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What is a not equal operator in Python?

Again, the operator is the != symbol and the operands are firstNumber and secondNumber. There are many other operators in Python which are divided into groups but in this tutorial we will be focusing on the not equal operator (!=). The not equal operator is a relational or comparison operator that compares two or more values (operands).

What is if statement in Python?

In python, an if-statement can be described as a statement that checks the entry-level condition and executes when it is true. Let us take a basic example of using if statement and does not equal to operator as shown below: – print("X is not equal to Y") print("X is equal to Y") Output: Here, not equal to != is utilized along with the if statement.

How do you use operators in Python?

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values: Python divides the operators in the following groups: Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations: Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:

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